Saturday, July 26, 2008

I know its been

Well, some things have happened... ONE MAJOR THING is that... WE FINALLY MOVED TO UTAH!!!!!!!!! its about time!!!! and as for the job searching, i got a job, and i'm going to school, just like a planned. My boyfriend has one year left on his mission now, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!! he is doing so good!!!! he is loving it out there! for those of you that don't know where he is, he is in the South Carolina, Columbia Mission. I miss people in California, but cali itself was ok...haha... I live with my grandparents, I just LOVE being back in Utah, I feel like i am closer to my family again. AND closer to my boyfriend! Well, hope to write another blog soon!